July 16, 2000:

After buying my first Minolta 35mm camera to start my storm chasing adventures, I went out right away to try my hand at lightning photography.  The day the camera came there were a few storms in the area that night.  It did not go to well the first time out.  But several days later I had a second chance.  This time out I had a little more success.  The photos below were taken from the Portsmouth campus of Tidewater Community College where I work.  The storms were to the northwest across the Elizabeth River looking towards Newport News.  Only three photos turned out, but after seeing that these turned out better than the first, I was hooked.  This spot would become a good place for me in the future to shoot from.  Camera and film: Minolta x370s and Fuji film 200 ISO.



All Images Copyright Jesse V. Bass III and
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